Tornado – Attica, Kansas – May 12, 2004

Video capture of the tornado illuminated by lightning.

Video capture of the tornado illuminated by lightning.


Intense supercell storms formed across Southern Kansas during the afternoon and evening of May 12th.  There were several tornadoes produced across Harper County with different storms.
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We approached the area from the north, having chased in Nebraska the day before.  The target area was fairly small, but quickly became cluttered with numerous storms.  We first observed storms near Pratt and Sawyer, while hearing reports of many tornadoes from a storm to our south.  We had made the decision to try and catch up with the southern storm, which ended up putting us in good position for a new storm that formed southwest of Attica.

It was after dark by the time this storm began producing tornadoes, but we had good visibility and a good east/west road to operate on which made for a nice intercept.  The tornado which formed about 6 miles east southeast of Attica was on the ground for 13 minutes and four miles.  It stayed to the east and southeast of us and was only seen with lightning flashes.  While feeling safe at our location, it still made for an eerie experience only being able to see the tornado with lightning.

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