Nebraska supercell day – June 16, 2013

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With a target of Central or Western Nebraska, we left Sterling, Colorado and started eastbound on I-80 once again.  Storms were forming overhead as we pulled into Ogallala, and while we didn’t feel this would be the main show of the day, they warranted a look given we were under them.  We dropped south to Grant and Elsie to get a better view, while monitoring storms developing well north of I-80.  We might have waited a bit too long to make the decision, but we finally pulled the trigger on heading north as the storms southeast of Ogallala were high based and starting to surge south as big wind producers.  It was an agonizing drive back north fighting construction on I-80, but we did get back to just south of Arthur and got to watch a small supercell slide east of Highway 61.  Letting this storm go into an area with little road options, we focused next on another supercell approaching Arthur from the northwest.  We let this storm pass over us on Highway 92 east of Arthur before calling it a day.  For me, the goal was to get back home, so I spent the rest of the evening driving to WaKeeney, Kansas.

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