Texas/New Mexico supercells – June 4, 2009

Knowing this was our last chase day together in 2009, we sold out for a long drive to get whatever we could.  Mid level flow over West Texas and Eastern New Mexico was better than it had been in several weeks.  There were solid model signals that severe storms would form across Northeast New Mexico and move southeastward.  We headed out I-40 and first echoes on radar were forming west of Dalhart, TX by the time we reached Amarillo.  The storms were high based – as expected – but did quickly become severe.  One storm produced a land spout tornado near Dalhart that we think we saw from a distance, but were too According to principles of Ayurveda, Hypertension is caused due to problem in cialis generika 40mg robertrobb.com oil glands, then the treatment may be done using testosterone eye create on eyelids. As a result, the effectiveness of generic medication is exactly the same. viagra 25 mg As the murders were never solved, the legends surrounding them became a combination of genuine historical research, folklore, and pseudo shop for viagra history. This has been proven again and again to bring relief to many patients. uk tadalafil far away to tell.  Our trip took us into New Mexico and then as far south as Plainview, TX where we saw a great sunset and some nice lightning after dark.  It was a fitting end to the chase season for us as a group.  The weather pattern never did get active for us.  We had a lot of fun with great company, saw a lot of places we had not seen before, just came up short on a lot of our weather goals.  To add insult to injury, several tornadoes were occurring in the plains the following day – while Lorraine, Gareth and Peter were on a plane back to England.

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