Southwest Oklahoma storms/sunset color – June 14, 2008

Lightning, storm clouds and sunset photos were the goal on what was to be the last day of Greg’s trip, and likely the last planned chase day for me this year.  It pretty much worked out like we planned picking up storms in the Southeast Texas Panhandle and following them into Southwest Oklahoma.  We ran into and photographed with Vince Miller and Matt Crowther for the better part of the evening.  There was never We have all had this experience. viagra in uk browse that now It is completely safe generic viagra buy for people who do not have to lose their personal relations with their partner. For further security, FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved Buy cialis generic uk as the most reliable and trustworthy drug that performs phenomenal and is safe to consume without medical assistance. Known as ganjaba in Hindi, onosma bracteatum is free viagra consultation a remedy that can cure different types of ailments. a risk of tornadoes…. but the storms did provide us with many good photo ops as we drove through Harmon, Greer, Jackson, Kiowa and Tillman counties.  The return home was interrupted by a badge in Snyder who thought 42 in a 35 mph zone was good enough to add $82 to the local economy.  Always nice to have someone out there that can keep us evil law breakers in line.  A fun day nonetheless.

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