18 May 2019 – Northern Oklahoma Severe Storms

A day that met, but didn’t exceed expectations.  There was a good shot of storms over northwest Oklahoma and some were expected to rotate… but this was all in the wake of a morning convective complex which had a negative impact on the potential.

I drove northwest to Seiling and then played a cat and mouse game with a couple of storms.  The first developed in Dewey County south of Taloga.  After starting south toward it, another storm became severe north of Waynoka.  I made it nearly back to Waynoka when the Dewey County storm started looking better on radar.  Both of these storms were in reach – barely – and I drove north, south, and north again before settling on heading south for good and targeting the storm which by now was approaching Canton:

This storm exhibited beautiful structure for a good amount of time, but weakened as it approached Okeene.  After driving through the weakening hail core in Okeene, I started north toward Ringwood.  Storms to my northwest were starting to look better on radar by that time.  Arriving there, I found a nearly solid line of severe storms extending from just northwest to north.  There wasn’t anything particularly interesting about these storms that made me feel the need to get closer, so I used the chance to get the drone up:

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My final stop was at an old farmhouse just a couple miles northeast of Ringwood:
