5 May 2019 – Texas Panhandle Supercells

Supercell northwest of Miami, TX just before 8 pm

Doug and I drove west northwest to Canadian, TX and then moved up to just south of Spearman.  There we took the time to observe a weakening storm to the north displaying some heavy mammatus:

Just before 7 pm, a storm started becoming more organized near us and an elongated area of shear developed just to our northwest:

In the above photo, the rain shaft on the left was a rapidly developing severe storm that was approaching from northern Hutchinson County.  With limited road options, we made a move east and south into northern Roberts County.  For a considerable amount of time, we were able to watch the fairly slow evolution/dance of a cluster of supercells to our north and northwest.  Several of these showed signs of rotation at times and even displayed funnel looking features.

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At 8:28 pm, we believe it came the closest to producing a tornado.  The feature we were looking at was many miles away and there was no way to tell how close it came:

We ended the night attempting to get out of the way of the consolidated storm as it moved southeast toward Miami.  Unfortunately, we were blocked by a stopped train in town and had to take shelter from hail under a tree.  We anticipated hail larger than golfballs, but only saw about quarter size.