Monthly Archives: July 2014

27 June 2014 / W Oklahoma, TX Panhandle late storms

Looking northwest from 8.4 miles southwest of Shattuck, OK (8:57 pm CDT)

Looking northwest from 8.4 miles southwest of Shattuck, OK (8:57 pm CDT)

Doug and I drove into Northwest Oklahoma where we had a good feeling that supercells would develop.  Our forecast couldn’t have been farther from correct and it How to use Kamagra medicine? Kamagra comes in generic levitra several doses such as 25mg, 50mg and 100mg. They want an effective drug to recover from such sexual debility. cialis 20mg generika It may have cheapest online viagra adverse effects on women. By treating the source of the your pain instead of the ones we have mentioned above. probe cialis generika looked like we were headed toward a blue sky bust.  We spent the better part of two hours a few miles southwest of Shattuck taking landscape photos.  Near sunset, storms started approaching from the southern Texas Panhandle and we observed these from Canadian to Wheeler.  Several attempts at lightning photography were made, but the results were generally less than spectacular.